Friday, March 23, 2012

Happiness is a Warm Puppy!

Thought I'd share this great photo I just received by Lisa Webb Photography. It was taken at Debbie Durkin's Main Event Red Carpet Lounge Eco-Oscars Event which took place at Mary Pickford's old estate, where they filmed The Artist. They've asked the "celebrities" who attended to autograph the photos, which will be auctioned off to benefit the Fur Fitness Foundation Being a lifelong animal lover, I'm more than happy to help! They also graciously sent a framed photo for us to keep. My Dog, Zuma (Mandolin Trails Absolute Afternoon at the Beach) is a Leonberger. The breed is still fairly new to the US & are originally from Germany. They were bred to not only 'look like a lion' but also do water rescue. Leonbergers have webbed feet & can jump out of a helicopter to save someone. We adore her! For those of you who've read my blog for awhile, you might remember when we first got Zuma. You can enter the word 'Zuma' into the search section of my blog to read past posts, including her appearance on Animal Planet. She's not a little puppy anymore & weighs more than I do!

1 comment:

  1. She is absolutely gorgeous.

    Zuma I guess is a little bit younger than my golden retriever Buddy. He still seems to think he's still the little pup we bought home and not the size he actually is.
