Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

January first is the one day of the year where everyone gets a fresh start. It's time to reflect on last year, admit any bad mistakes or decisions you made & move on. It's time to choose a resolution that will somehow change your life, make you a better person & positively affect those around you. I usually pick something relatively simple (like drink more water) that I can stick to long after the Rose Bowl is over (Fight On SC!!). This year my goal is to learn to play the piano. I've wanted to take lessons since I was a kid.
For those who sent e-mails asking about my "wild" New Years Eve plans: I fell asleep watching Spiderman 3, had my hubby wake me up at 11:55, so I could watch the ball drop & kiss everyone. My life's not as glamorous as you may think (but it is happy).


  1. Dear Erin
    I'm a fan who grew up watching Bewitched in Canada. Now I'm a mom of two young children in Greece! Being a working mom nowadays really takes a lot out of us and raising kids isn't like it used to be. I do miss my childhood at times and what better way to make up for that than by watching Bewitched everynight before bedtime? That's right, here in Greece there are reruns of Bewitched everynight just before bedtime! It's nice cuddling up with my kids and watching something I used to also watch at their age. Well I'd like to wish you a very Happy New Year and all the best in your life!
    Jenny (a fan from Greece)

  2. Learning to play the piano is a great idea.
    Being in that industry, I deal with many adults that take up an instrument.
    Interest is more important than talent. Allow some practice time, don’t be in to big of a hurry to play Carnegie hall, just enjoy the creative and rewarding experience.
    All the absolute best for yourself and family for 2008.

  3. Happy new year, I wish it will bring you and your family joy and happiness!
    And good luck for your piano lessons! ;)
