Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Dog Days of Summer!

Summer is my favorite season. The kids are out of school. The weather is warm. Everything seems a little more relaxed. While this summer had the makings of being significantly more crazy than usual, it's turned out to be one of our best. We're well in the midst of our move from Orange County to Los Angeles. We could have been stressed that we arrived at our new home over a week before most of our furniture & before the remodel was finished, but we've turned it into a little camp out. Since our cable hasn't been hooked up yet, we're enjoying more of the simple pleasures of life: swimming, eating Otter Pops, running in sprinklers. Another thing that has kept us occupied is the newest addition to our family: our new puppy Zuma! She's a Leonberger & will soon be bigger than I am (really...130 pounds!)!


  1. Hi Erin,
    September in Australia means we are starting sping.
    I like Autumn and spring the best. In southern Australia late winter is cold, and late summer too hot.
    Saw your Youtube interview from July, looking great as usual.
    I hope all is well with you, and your health is better.

  2. Hi,
    First of all, welcome back! ;)
    Then, is it your puppy on th picture? (since we can see 2 other one behind). If it's yours, she's really cute!

  3. Alex, it's our puppy closest to the camera. She's already 45 pounds. Very sweet, smart little girl & the kids adore her!

  4. Your puppy is absolutely adorable. She has an absolutely lovely face.

  5. Erin,
    the way you speak of your puppy reminds me the way I do for my little dog! (there's a picture of her on my blog if you wanna see her!lol)
    And is it heavy 45 pounds?? since in France we speak in Kilogrammes (Kg).

  6. What a great dog! I wish I could have a dog myself, but alas, I'm gone too long during the day and I couldn't leave a dog home all alone. That's great news for you!
