Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Myspace & My First Frenemy

Well, I'm about a week into my myspace experience & I finally understand the appeal. My 300+ friends are made up of a fun mixture of real friends, old friends that I'd lost touch with, people I've met or worked with, people I'd like to meet & a group I guess could best be described as people who'd like to meet me. My myspace philosophy is simple: If you ask to be my friend, I'll accept your friendship. I look at everyone's profile first, but haven't turned down any requests. I might be a little concerned about my "friend" who likes "kinky balloon play"; but perhaps only because I'm not sure what that is. I'm also flattered by the handsome, famous guy who asked me out & then apologized when he read my bio & saw that I was happily married.
I did have to delete one friend. In two days he filled my bulletin board with over 100 messages. He responded to his elimination from my friend list by informing me that there are much "cooler" people than me to chat with. I'm sorry Naked Shower Guy (a description of his online photo, not his screen name), but you're right, there are much cooler people.


  1. Naked Shower Guy? I have to admit, I don't usually wear much when I take a shower, but then again, I don't shower with my camera, either. I think I'd have to wear my Shower Shorts (TM), for the man who has nothing to hide, but still wants to; they came with a free Shower Wallet (and yes, that's from "Scrubs").

    I must have missed those comments from him; I've followed your meteoric rise on MySpace, but I don't have access to it at work.

    Looks like some of your friends are cool enough, though.

  2. Hi Erin, At least a 1 in 300 "looney tune" average isn't too bad.
    Hopefully you can reach 600 friends without further hassles.

  3. Hahahh Funny post! I too look at each profile before I accept, I would say I know about 80% of the people on my list. I'll be having a booth at the Reality TV Convention in Nashville again at the end of June and will get to meet quite a few more folks. My Goof on MySpace was when I set up the account, the name I used TwoFacedReality was related to another message board I belonged to at the time. I never imagined the page would eventually become my personal page. Now I don't want to change it and start all over again.

  4. heya Erin!

    For you to only have deleted one person.. you must have a good level of tolerance. :) I wish I did.

    The "kinky balloon fun" caught my eye.. and now you have two of em.
    I must confess to being of that ilk too. HAHAHA If ur curious about whats involved.. just let me know.. I can provide answers.

    This looks like a very nice site.. it goes on my must visit list..


  5. I prefer pantyhose to balloons:D

  6. Hi Erin,
    I don't think there are cooler people or not, but there are just people with different mentalities, and apparently you don't correspond to his own...
    Don't worry, in my opinion, you're are very cool!

  7. Yep I have had to cancel friends too. When you open a message from said friends only to find ads for free phones or better mortgage rates or Ye gods Hotter sex then they have got to go. I just tell them sorry no thanks and hit delete/\.

  8. Hi Erin,

    Like millions of American kids our age, I grew up with Tabitha on "Bewitched," always wishing I had a beautiful little witch girlfriend like her. Heh.

    Glad to see that you not only survived child stardom, but turned out to be an extremely well-adjusted woman who has a wonderful family and an honest personality. Cheers to you, and best wishes for your current endeavors!

    BTW, I just sent you a couple of MySpace friend requests (I have more than one account). I promise not to post any naked shower pics.

    -Douglas in St. Augustine, FL

  9. Erin, I'm glad to see you so happy, you deserve it!

    Here's a blast from the past. Remember Sweetwater? Tucson? Grissom Talent Agency? I'll give you another hint, my blog name is former student! LOL
