Thursday, February 01, 2007

Bewitched Box Set

I've received lots of e-mails asking about Bewitched DVD's & their lack of special features. Well Sony heard from you too & they want you to be happy. So, despite the fact that I rarely mention Bewitched on my blog, I figured you'd like to hear the latest news. Sony is going to be releasing Bewitched as a box set & next week we're filming the special features. I will be hosting a tour of the Warner Brothers Ranch where we filmed the exteriors for Bewitched & possibly the studio (now Sunset Gower, used to be Screen Gems). I'll fill you in on all the details after filming.


  1. Erin, this is SOOOOO fantastic!!! I can't wait to hear more about this and thank you for posting this news and that great picture.

    Man, can this day get any better? First the news about the last Harry Potter book and now this:)))))))

  2. Thanks Erin! Your picture is cute. I am so glad that Sony is finally listening.

  3. Thanks Erin! Your picture is cute. I am so glad that Sony is finally listening.

  4. WOW that's excellent. Hopefully the set will be released in the UK as well.

    The picture is absolutely adorable - It always surprises me how in photos of you when you were little how much you look like my young neighbour :)

  5. This is fantastic news Erin. Especially knowing that you will be hosting the special and not just a voice over. I can honestly say that many a fan has waited and wanted this for so long. I recently visited the Ranch myself and kind of made my own homemade special :) but yours would be far better.

  6. VERY cool update! We know that there's more to you than Bewitched, but there will be a soft spot in our hearts for "Tabitha".

  7. You look absolutely adorable in that picture. Every little girls dream to be on the set of bewitched or any other tv show. I would love that. Did you have fun playing the part of Tabitha, your very lucky.
