Thursday, December 28, 2006

Holiday Sales!

I'm a girl & I LOVE a good sale! I find it very hard to pay full price for anything. If you shop online (which I love to do), I'm sure you've seen the "code" boxes at checkout. That means that somewhere out there is a secret code that will either give you an extra discount, or free shipping, or...something. There are lots of online sites that will show you current coupons & codes. I like or you can google the name of the store you're shopping at & include the word "code" in the search. One of my favorite jewelry designers (Future Fashionista) is having a great holiday sale and her prices are reasonable to start with. Elana handstrung my favorite "kite pearl" necklace. I wore it to the TVLand Awards this year & wear it all the time. It's a classic & seems so much "younger" than my Grandmas' pearls. Future Fashionista is offering 35% off everything on their site until 12/31, with the code "ThankYou". I'm not getting a kick back, just letting you in on a good deal.


  1. Thanks for the code tips, Erin! I am a customer service rep for a catalogue clothier whose name rhymes with "stay true." Our coded online specials usually only last a couple of days or so, so I wasn't surprised that our codes provided at were all expired ones. At least ten times per shift, customers try to weasel these codes out of me with the worst lies in the book, when all they need to do is join our email list and have them sent regularly. If my calls weren't monitored, I'd love to spread your tip along to my customers! :-)

