Thursday, November 30, 2006


Yesterday I filmed an episode for a new NBC show called Identity. The premise is that a contestant is faced with 12 strangers on pedestals (kind of like the Deal or No Deal Set). It's a game based on first impressions, hosted by Penn Jilette (from Penn & Teller). The game unfolds as the contestant picks an identity (off a lighted board) - ranging anywhere from a profession to a shoe size - and tries to match it with one of the 12 strangers. The amount of money the contestant accumulates increases with each correctly identified stranger. If all 12 are matched up correctly, the player is rewarded with the top prize of $500,000. Without giving away the outcome of the game, the contestant was convinced that I Army Ranger!!
If I look a little tired on the show, it's because we didn't finish filming until after 2:00 AM, then I had to get up early to make lunches & get the kids off to school (Have I told you before how glamorous my life is?).
The show airs the week of 12/18 from 8:00-9:00 PM.


  1. a guess it's a brand new tv reality show, isn't it? waou 2.00am it's not really late but when you work it must be... moreover if you had to wake up early the next day... but I think you are a great mom since you don't let your work life interfer (is it like this? I have to work harder my english!) in mom role! congratulations!
    please can you tell me if it's grammatically correct? because I have to improve (I'm an english student) lol

  2. Alex, Your English is great! You're right, I don't let work interfere with my family.

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  5. Sounds fun! What was your TRUE identity? I LOVE game shows, especially Match Game. Although, that new Wiliam Shatner one, with the dancers, "Show me the money" is a little creepy.

  6. I could see you being an army ranger - if you really wanted to do that, of course.

  7. Commercials have started running! Unfortunately, I haven't seen you in the 2 commercials I saw tonight. And it looks like the commercials they're running aren't just for one night - there are different groups of identity people on the little pedestals. My God - you had to stand on those little pedestals all that time? THAT would be tiring!

  8. Erin,

    You did wonderful on the show last night. Being a big fan of Bewitched, I could tell right away that you were little "Tabitha" before the clue was mentioned. Army ranger was a stretch, but agreeing with a previous poster, anyone could be anything they set their heart to... so, its possible you could be a ranger mom! :-) It was neat seeing you on television again.

    Charles in Minneapolis, MN

  9. Ohhhh thanks a lot... it means a lot to me... especially if it comes from an american...;)
