Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Fantasy Reality Challenge!

I'm winning at Fantasy Reality Challenge! http://www.foxreality.com I'm competing against my fellow panelists on Reality Remix with the winner getting a generous donation for charity. It's sort of like Fantasy Football, only with contestants on reality shows. You pick six contestants from a variety of reality shows & you get points each week they stay in. We picked our contestants at the start of the season, so we only had limited info. I'm the only player left with all of my contestants. Unfortunately, I'm going to lose my first player tomorrow night, since we're down to the final 2 (& I picked them!) on Dancing With The Stars.
Here are my contestants & the reason that I picked them. I know my TV!
Dancing With The Stars:
Mario Lopez: Naturally good dancer & America loves dimples (although I consider Ali Landry a friend, so I only put him on my list for the points).
Emmitt Smith: Jerry Rice came in 2nd when he was on the show & Emmitt Smith is a better dancer & he was a Dallas Cowboy.
America's Next Top Model:
Caridee: beautiful blonde girl with an outrageous personality (although a beautiful blonde has never won ANTM)
Melrose: I picked her the week after she was in the bottom 2, because I saw her potential. She'd won the runway challenge & she was accused of being lazy on the shoot (when really she wasn't). Plus I like that she changed her name from Melissa Rose to Melrose since she didn't think she needed the "issa".
The Amazing Race:
Tyler & James: I picked them only because they're athletic, attractive guys (not such a bad reason!) & athletic, attractive guys always seem to do well on Amazing Race.
Yul: He won the immunity idol, which means he'll be on for a while. It's impossible to pick winners on Survivor, because if you look at the past winners, the only consistent is that they're the one you wouldn't pick to win: Richard Hatch, Tina Wesson, Amber (of Rob &), etc.

Root for my contestants to win, since I'm pretty sure I'm the only panelist on Reality Remix who actually has a charity picked out ;-).

1 comment:

  1. You know, that was actually a good strategy, picking 2 people from 2 shows - it's not like the winner of the show gets another episode dedicated to him/her after the win is announced - the top 2 contestants are going to be there in the last show. Since you were probably more sure of the last 2 contestants on 2 shows, that was a good way to go!
