Tuesday, October 17, 2006

You Look Like a Celebrity!

Have you ever been told that you look like a celebrity? Come on, I'm sure someone has told you that you look like someone famous. Well, I've found a fun website that compares your photo to a database of celebs & tells you who you REALLY look like.
I tried it with a couple different photos & it said that I look like Jessica Biel, Evangeline Lilly & Brooke Burns. OK, it doesn't seem to be very accurate...but it's very flattering!!


  1. Jeff Gordon, John Cussak and James Gandolfini.. Hows that? I think it would have been funny if your result came back that you looked like Erin Murphy!

  2. OK, I got James Gandolfini as well, but I also got Spiro Agnew, Lee Jong-wook and John Williams.

    I think it was recognizing that we were all males; not too sure beyond that!

  3. damn, it doesn't work with safari...

  4. i don't know how found that but i can tell that it's very funny!!!
